The Gunpowder river is flowing at 123 CFs, is clear and 63 F. Seasonally warm water temps influenced by surface water spilling over the dam have been moderated by a gate change earlier in the week. If you’re heading out early, caddis in the #18 range are a good bet. Small soft hackles fished in the riffles between Masemore and York Road have accounted for a number of fish this week. Spend the afternoons swinging snowshoe rabbit emergers and unweighted pheasant tails. This weekend: Go to the picnic but sneak back to the river at dusk to take part in the Sulphur spinner fall.
Thanks to Aaron Muller for his stream report:
Well, what a difference a few days make! After a poor weather outing last weekend that had me questioning my fishing skills, Tuesday night was a different story altogether! I took your advice and fished upriver, starting a the dam and working down pretty quickly. –Used a Caddis and a pheasant tail dropper and this rig accounted for about a dozen fish between the dam and the big bend where the trails divide. Several slaps at the caddis but all the landed fish came on the dropper. Once the sun went in a bit the Sulphurs started emerging in waves and I had a banner day. I used the Unusual, both in the orange I got at the shop and in a pale yellow I tied myself in size 16-18. I used a size 18 parachute sulpur pattern with a trailing shuck which was also deadly. I kept my CDC emergers and spinner patterns close by but never needed them as these two patterns worked steadily until I could no longer see (which was late! The moon was so bright it cast a significant shadow on the water). The best part? Solitude. I only saw one other fisherman from 6pm until almost 9pm and two kayaks. Very quiet and overall a great evening!Aaron D. Muller
For a historical review of fishing this time of year check out these related posts:
From 2009, Sulphur Spinners along the Gunpowder River
From 2008, Memorial Day Sulphurs on the Gunpowder River are Hatching-Better Tivo the Indy 500
From 2007, Gunpowder River Water Temps, Sulphurs on the Rise
The shop will be open Saturday and Sunday from 8 AM till 4PM and Memorial Day from 8 AM till 4PM