Rainbows and Cigars…

The river is low and clear, 100 Cfs and water temps along the catch and release area are from 54 to 56 F. It’s getting hotter out there so expect a few late afternoon showers. Passing thunderstorms have not kept folks from fishing. Ants sized #12-16 are a good bet along shaded banks. Spinner falls are still later in the day so fish just the last hour of daylight with a rusty spinner #16-20.Two anglers from the eastern shore stopped in on their way up to Bunkerhill and Maesmore yesterday and were excited to see all of the new pictures of Rainbows released over the …

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Wilder and Bigger…Seeing is believing…

Shop Regular Marlin Taylor just brought in a pic of a 17 1/2 inch Gunpowder Brown that was released this morning Water flow is 102 CFs and it’s bright out there so fish pheasant tails like Marlin…Sulphurs are now in the #16-20 range and 7X tippet will allow you to catch the fish that have, until now, refused your offerings. Jason Dupont brought in some beautiful shots of 8″ to 15″ rainbows from the plunge pool above Falls Road bridge. Afternoons have been tough so find some shade and try a streamer along log jams… Morning fishing has been very productive and the fish have …

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The river is clear and is flowing at close to 100 CFs. Don’t let the afternoon showers put you off get out and catch the 11″ to 14″ fish we’re seeing on a regular basis. Morning fishing from 7:00 AM on with loop wing sulphur emergers sized #16-18 has been red hot. Straw to ginger colored X -Caddis sized #14-18 have saved more days on the river than any other pattern I can think of… Great stream reports continue to roll in..Spinner falls have been starting close to 7:30 till dark. If you’re fishing midday try a foam beetle #14 and parachute ant #18 tandem …

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Solid stream reports …

You’re wasting time if you’re not fishing…The water is clear and the river level is 98Cfs.. and the water should warm up a bit this week-think active fish…Don’t take my word for it…following are more reports from the field From 6/1 Message: Went fishing Tuesday around 2:00. Fish seemed to be keyed in on Sulphurs especially tan colored. Skating the fly at the end of the drift was proving to be deadly. Fished the Sulphur hatch around 8:30 just below the bridge and fish were readily taking parachutes as much as any spinner I cast. Great Fishing. My friend was fly fishing for his first …

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