Shop Regular Marlin Taylor just brought in a pic of a 17 1/2 inch Gunpowder Brown that was released this morning Water flow is 102 CFs and it’s bright out there so fish pheasant tails like Marlin…Sulphurs are now in the #16-20 range and 7X tippet will allow you to catch the fish that have, until now, refused your offerings.
Jason Dupont brought in some beautiful shots of 8″ to 15″ rainbows from the plunge pool above Falls Road bridge. Afternoons have been tough so find some shade and try a streamer along log jams… Morning fishing has been very productive and the fish have been taking small, #18-20 caddis and caddis emergers on the swing.Spinner falls have been around 8:00 PM-just prior to the fall try loop wing emergers and heavily dressed duns that will skate in a size#14-16.
Note: Having a hard time seeing fish take the fly?–grease the butt section of your leader and wait for it to jump.