Sweetgrass Rods at Backwater Angler

I just spoke to Dave at Sweetgrass Rods in Twin Bridges, MT and he said that we, in the East, have much to be thankful for…at the time were talking about the Blue Point Oysters that Gunpowder Guide Bill Wolf dropped off before the thanksgiving holiday, (thanks Bill) and Dave mentioned that I was lucky to live so close to the ocean. I immediately started thinking about all of the wonderous trout water he was so lucky to live next to; the Beaverhead, the Bighole the Ruby, the Jefferson, well, you get the idea. This is a photo Dave sent along during our ramblings of …

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Happy Thanksgiving Gunpowder Regulars!

The shop will be closed on Thursday, November 27, 2008 in observance of the Thanksgiving holiday. However, the shop will be open from 10 till 6 PM on Friday and from 8 AM till 4 PM on Saturday and Sunday. Have a safe holiday and with any luck we’ll see you on the stream!

Steelheading on the Salmon River, NY

 The recent cold spell we got in Baltimore County in mid November had me digging out the Winter layers; hat, gloves and baclava. The fishing has been great on the Gunpowder, and as always many calls and shop visitors are curious whether the fishing is worth braving the cold through Winter? If temps in the mid thirties and a light snowfall doesn’t seem too inviting, consider this video post from the Salmon River, NY shot in late February 08. My friend Matt and I fished for a week in temps ranging from the high teens to the mid twenties at the daily high, which was …

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BWO’s along the Gunpowder River during Spillover

The Gunpowder river is flowing at 55 Cfs, is 52 F and is clear. To say that the fishing has improved markedly since we’ve had spillover is an understatement. BWO’s have been having a hard time getting off the water, (read cripples and emergers) during the cold, windy afternoons and the fish don’t mind at all as the following stream report attests.Thanks to Backwater Angler Guide Dave Smith for the following report from Thurs Nov 20 and Fri Nov 21. On Thurs. fishing (and catching) was as good as during the peak of the sulfur hatch! Started fishing the riffles at the base of the …

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Fly Fishing SW Alaska

Thanks to Louis Kovacs for the following report from a mid-August fly fishing trip in SW Alaska. Guys, I find myself, this month, in Bethel, Alaska, for some medically related stuff. It’s not picture-book Alaska, it’s the tundra. No trees, no mountains. But both, along with some fantastic lakes and streams, full of trout and salmon of all kinds, are reachable in a few hours by boat or float plane. It’s an incredible experience, being in a plane so small it feels like you’re wearing it, landing on crystal clear glacial lakes surrounded by mountains, hiking through bear trails passing all too freshly eaten salmon …

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Gunpowder River Spillover Raises Water Levels

After numerous rain storms and a good deal of waiting Prettyboy Reservoir is finally spilling over into the Gunpowder River. On Friday it began as a small trickle of water, but with storms through Friday night into Saturday the river rose over 40 Cfs and leveled out in the mid 70 Cfs range! After helping a Backwater Angler guide get his clients out the door early on Saturday, I was itching to fish during the rise in flows and took the day off (thanks Theaux).  I chose to fish the mid-lower section of the  C & R area, which has been particularly challenging in recent …

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