Sweetgrass Bamboo Fly Rods

Dave Delisi from Sweetgrass rods in Twin Bridges, MT just sent us a beautiful 7′ 9″ 4/5 Quadrate bamboo fly rod. The rod is a little darker than the hex rods we’ve received thus far. It is a 2 piece, two tip rod with a cigar grip and it is fitted with a down lock curly maple reel seat. This Sweetgrass rod is accurate, powerful and just begging to be cast over some pocket water. And yes, it’s spoken for…The new owner, Geoff Adams, tells me that it will be christened in the Little J over the weekend. May the Grannoms begin… Some time ago …

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Mayflies, Rain and Good Water Levels On The Gunpowder

I spent every day the last week and a half on the Gunpowder River, guiding and fishing different stretches at different times of the day. Midges and blackflies are hatching in good numbers and the blackflies can be seen “skimming” along the surface. They look like a miniscule housefly with a short, thick body versus the long, thin bodies on midges. Trout sipping in the flat water areas are usually eating these bugs and flies in the 20-24 range will work. Hendricksons are starting to emerge late in the morning through 2-3 pm, and many are a tannish-olive, although they darken up to a deep …

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Guided Fly Fishing Trips In Western Maryland

Western Maryland offers fly fishermen a chance at everything from large trout in big rivers to native Brook trout in tiny mountain streams. The region is rugged, wild and fishing pressure can be light, but challenging. Backwater Angler guides have offered trips on the Savage River, North Branch of the Potomac River and small mountain streams for years. In the past we offered overnight packages including lodging, meals and a full day guided fishing, but will now offer only six or four hour guided wade trips based on the overwhelming amount of requests from anglers.   The North Branch of the Potomac is known as Maryland’s …

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Don Quixote and Quills along the Gunpowder River

The Gunpowder river is flowing at 80 Cfs, is clear and 45 to 47 F throughout the catch and release section. We’ve led guide trips just about every day this week and the fishing, (and catching) is steadily improving. Hendricksons are early this year…and Bwo’s are on the move, especially on cloudy and cool mornings. With stoneflies on the wane, Don Quixote, dressed in a suit of waders stands in the Gunpowder river, poised with a long rod instead of a lance, hoping that a few Quills, (Blues and Gordons) will show themselves, albeit briefly. A big Parachute Adams, a #18 Griffith’s Gnat and/or a …

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Intro. to Fly Fishing School

Please join us for a flyfishing school. On Sunday, May 3, a Backwater Angler Guide will be teaching a fly fishing school that is ideal for beginners. If you’re planning on flyfishing Maryland, or anywhere else for that matter, this course is a great introduction to the sport. The school covers knots, casting, gear, fly selection and an hour of on-stream instruction. Schools are held in a meadow overlooking the Gunpowder river by a Maryland state licensed and insured fishing guide. Class is held from 11:00 AM till 2:00 PM. Cost is $100 per person and includes the use of gear. A Maryland Non-tidal fishing …

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Intro. to Flyfishing School

Please join us for a flyfishing school. On Sunday, April 26, a Backwater Angler Guide will be teaching a fly fishing school that is ideal for beginners. If you’re planning on flyfishing Maryland, or anywhere else for that matter, this course is a great introduction to the sport. The school covers knots, casting, gear, fly selection and an hour of on-stream instruction. Schools are held in a meadow overlooking the Gunpowder river by a Maryland state licensed and insured fishing guide. Class is held from 11:00 AM till 2:00 PM. Cost is $100 per person and includes the use of gear. A Maryland Non-tidal fishing …

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