Bauer M2SL, Winston BIIt and Sulphurs at Masemore

The Gunpowder river is flowing at 84 Cfs , is clear and 60 F. Sulphurs sized #14-16 and Caddis in the #16-18 range have been the ticket. Small soft hackles, cripples and emergers are working in the flat water while more traditional duns and spinners are tricking fish in the riffles. Cloud cover and passing thundershowers are a joy to behold. Long leaders in the 10 to 12 foot range ending in 6x and 7x will help your cause. If you’re starting early, try small pheasant tails and unweighted sulphur nymphs in the pocket water. With the water warming up, zonkers cast upstream along log jams may yield larger fish. It has been a little on the cool side for concentrated spinner falls in the evening but we have a few warm nights ahead of us and plenty of Sulphurs in our future.
Thanks to Jeff for the kind words and report.

Sorry to have missed you on Sunday but you certainly deserve a day off occasionally. Brought in my new Winston BIIt to finish outfitting it with that handsome Bauer reel and get it spooled up so I could christen it in the favored waters of the Upper Gunpowder. Jason and Max, as always, were very helpful. Decided to spool the reel up with the Rio Gold which was accomplished in short order. Of course, also spied a couple tying items that met “the need” and added them to the cart, so to speak. With that, I was on my way and headed over to Masemore for an evening of delightful fishing. Several cars and a handful of folks working the river were expected (and present) but not enough preclude me from donning my waders and giving it a whirl. Light tan sulfurs were seen with some regularity and top action was good upstream. Christened the new rod with a beautiful brown on a sulfur pattern I tied the night before, (some satisfaction in that). Caught fish – missed more. Emergers were clearly the preferred ticket but got some solid smacks on top as well. A fine evening on the water all in all. The Winston BIIt performed flawlessly and the reel & line were a treat to enjoy. Looking forward to many more outings with this gear. One can readily appreciate the differences that quality equipment makes.
Appreciate all of your continued assistance and guidance.
Best Regards,

