Sulphurs, Caddis, Ants and a Bit more Water

The Gunpowder is flowing at 70 Cfs, is 52 F and gin clear above Bluemount. Josh Reider released this nice brown on the Gunpowder during a Sulphur hatch. The fish took a Caddis instead. As the weather gets a little warmer try a parachute ant or small hopper in the fast water-especially around rootballs and overhangs. The River is back up should remain at this level through the weekend. The gravel bars are covered with water but still very easy to wade. Everything gets a little easier when the river is full bank to bank-especially if you’re planning on floating. Streamers fished along shaded baks …

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Low Flows, Warming Temps and Spinner Falls on the Gunpowder

The Gunpowder River is flowing at 30 CFs is 54 F and is clear above Bluemount Rd. Low flows this week have allowed the water to warm up from the 48 F range closer to the mid-50’s. Spinner Falls have been closer to dusk. Small Elk Hair Caddis in the #16-18 range and BWO’s in the #20-22 range have also accounted for a few fish. Seek out shade and consider picking up a pair of hippies the next time you are in the shop to keep your feet warm and the poison ivy at bay.

Fly Fishing School on June 29th

Please join us for a fly fishing school. On Saturday, June 29, a Backwater Angler Guide will be teaching a fly fishing school that is ideal for beginners. If you’re planning on flyfishing Maryland, or anywhere else for that matter, this course is a great introduction to the sport. The school covers knots, casting, gear and fly selection. Class is held from 11:00 AM till 2:00 PM. Cost is $125 per person and includes the use of gear. A Maryland non-tidal fishing license and trout stamp is required and may be purchased at the shop with check or cash the day of the school. Class …

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