Jerry Kustich Book Signing and Sweetgrass Bamboo Fly Rods this Saturday, Nov. 30 from 10 till 2

Please join consummate Bamboo fly rod builder and noted Author Jerry Kustich at Backwater Angler this Saturday, Nov. 30 from 10 till 2. Plan on picking up a signed copy of his new book Around the Next Bend, an Angler’s Journey. With a release date of December 1, You’ll be among the first to pick up one of Jerry’s books before they hit those larger stores. Stop in and cast some beautiful Sweetgrass Bamboo fly rods while you’re at it… From Headwater Books: Jerry Kustich is author of At the River’s Edge: Lessons Learned in a Life of Fly Fishing, A Wisp in the Wind: …

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Gunpowder River Stream Report–Streamers are Working Fine!

The Gunpowder River is gin clear, flowing at 40 Cfs and 52 F. Using smaller nymphs will prevent all of those leaf hook-ups. Small, traditional streamers are still a good bet. Small caddis larvae and pupa are especially effective in the riffles. Try to limit your wading and use longer leaders in the 12ft 6x range. In the flat water, fish are taking Blue Winged Olive emergers. A few anglers late this afternoon reported that a few slate drakes were coming off as the water warmed up through the catch and release section. This week we have been checking in plenty of hardy winter gear …

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Big Spring, PA Stream Report

Thanks to Josh Reider for the stream report and pictures from Big Spring: Fly fishing the ditch at Big Springs is a completely different game, there is virtually no flow, the water is gin clear, and it embodies the idea of sight-fishing. It is a rewarding and fun time. I have been fishing it the past couple of weeks attempting to catch one of the 20 plus inch rainbow that you can see cruising the channel. I have not had the luck to land one yet but have landed lots of brook and rainbow trout. The most productive way of fishing is to nymph a …

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Fly Fishing in Northern Italy

Thanks to Werner Mueller for the photos and stream report from the Passer River, Alto Adige in Northern Italy: Theaux, Hope you are well. Per our discussion a couple of weeks ago I am including a couple of images in regard to my fishing trip to Alto Adige in Northern Italy this past September. The Passer river section I fished is 10 KM of fly fishing only . You will need a fishing license for Italy 30 EU/10 years validity and a daily license fee of 20 EU . The water is club owned and extremely well maintained. There is one guide- daily rate EU …

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First Dry Fly Caught Trout on Homewaters

The Gunpowder River is flowing at 42 Cfs is 52 F and clear. BWO’s have been accounting for wild fish in the flats and tailouts, small streamers like Grey Ghosts are still tricking fish in the log jams and over leaf piles. Nymphing remains challenging, if only because the likelihood of snagging leaves with weighted flies remains high. So try smaller pheasant tails in the #16-18 range are small enough to keep you out of trouble and still find a few fish. Now is the time to explore the area outside of the catch and release section. Remember that the Gunpowder has 18 miles of …

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Busman’s Holiday

Please note: The shop will be closed this Friday, November 8th and will reopen on Saturday at 10:00AM.
