Open Memorial Day from 10 AM till 2 PM

Backwater Angler will be open on Memorial Day from 10 AM till 2 PM. Please stop on in and pick up a few flies before you head out to fish the Sulphur Hatch.

Sulphurs on the Gunpowder River are in Full Swing

The Gunpowder river is clear, flowing at 229 Cfs and 60 F. Sulphurs are in full swing. Stop by the shop and check out the muffin tins. Mike Bachkosky just sent us more of his Unusual and Phunny emerges. The CDC Biot Comparaduns are great to fish as dries or cast them on a tight line and let them track down and across. Fish are holding in deeper softer water and river conditions are such that one should pick a bank and stick to it. Crossing at most of the river access points through the Hereford Area of Gunpowder State Park at 150 CFs or …

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Cloudy Days and Dry Fly Fishing on the Gunpowder River

The Gunpowder River is flowing at 277 CFs and is 57 F. Cloudy days and full leaf out of trees along the River have resulted in a bit more shade. The fish are looking up and are taking small caddis in the #18-20 range.The last of the Hendricksons and Quill Gordons are on the wane. Just a few Sulphurs are coming off throughout the catch and release section. These bright mayflies can be imitated with a variety of emergers from the muffin tins on the front counter. Comparaduns and loop wings are sometimes easier to fish than traditional dries-especially on the swing. Leaders in the …

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The Shop Will Reopen on the 8th

The shop will be closed Monday the 5th, Tuesday the 6th and Wednesday the 7th and will reopen on Thursday the 8th.

Umpqua Day on May 18th at Backwater Angler

Join Umpqua Representative Justin Nolan on May 18th from 1:00 till 3:00 for a talk and demonstration of Umpqua’s new line of chest, waist and angling backpacks. Justin will also describes all that goes into Umpqua Flies and why they are sought after worldwide. Stop in and enter a free drawing for Umpqua goodies!

G. Loomis Day on May 10 at Backwater Angler

Join G. Loomis sales Representative Dick Kondak at Backwater Angler from 11:00 till 2:00 on May 10, 2014 to try out all the NRX, NRX-LP and Pro-4X fly rods from Loomis. Dick will have G. Loomis flyrods on hand from a 3wt to a 12wt. Stop on in and enter a free drawing for a G. Loomis gear bag!
