Back to School Specials at Backwater Angler

Tired of writing tuition checks? Stop in and take advantage of some hot August deals while supplies last-we call them “Back to School” specials at Backwater Angler. Once the kids are back to school, carve out a little time for yourself to fly fish the Gunpowder River. If you don’t have time to stop in give us a card and an address and we’ll ship any of the items on the board to you for free until the end of the month!

Beginner’s Fly Fishing School

Please join us for a fly fishing school. On Saturday, August 27th, a Backwater Angler Guide will be teaching a fly fishing school that is ideal for beginners. If you’re planning on fly fishing in Maryland, or anywhere else for that matter, this course is a great introduction to the sport. The school covers knots, casting, gear and fly selection. Class is held from 9:00 AM till 12:00 AM. Cost is $125 per person and includes the use of gear. A Maryland non-tidal fishing license and trout stamp is required and may be purchased at the shop with check or cash the day of the …

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Wild Fish and Clear, Cool Water on the Gunpowder River

The Gunpowder River is clear, low and flowing at 32 CFs and is 55 degrees F. Tricos are about at York Rd. and Masemore Rd. access points each morning. Try a Letort Cricket on a 9ft 6x leader and drop a size #20-22 Al’s Trico about 18 inches behind the cricket. We have plenty of Mike Bachkosky’s reverse-hackled Al’s Trico’s in the muffin tins. This time of year, the lower river below Sparks might be up to 15 degrees warmer than the catch and release section. Small streamers in sizes #8 through #12 are worth a shot if you’d like to cover more water in …

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Beginner’s Fly Fishing School this Sunday at 9 AM

Please join us for a fly fishing school. On Sunday, August 14th, a Backwater Angler Guide will be teaching a fly fishing school that is ideal for beginners. If you’re planning on fly fishing in Maryland, or anywhere else for that matter, this course is a great introduction to the sport. The school covers knots, casting, gear and fly selection. Class is held from 9:00 AM till 12:00 AM. Cost is $125 per person and includes the use of gear. A Maryland non-tidal fishing license and trout stamp is required and may be purchased at the shop with check or cash the day of the …

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Beginner’s Fly Fishing School this Saturday at 9 AM

Please join us for a fly fishing school. On Saturday, August 13th, a Backwater Angler Guide will be teaching a fly fishing school that is ideal for beginners. If you’re planning on fly fishing in Maryland, or anywhere else for that matter, this course is a great introduction to the sport. The school covers knots, casting, gear and fly selection. Class is held from 9:00 AM till 12:00 AM. Cost is $125 per person and includes the use of gear. A Maryland non-tidal fishing license and trout stamp is required and may be purchased at the shop with check or cash the day of the …

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