Beginners Fly Fishing School

Please join us for a fly fishing school. On Saturday June the 30th a Backwater Angler Guide will be teaching a fly fishing school that is ideal for beginners. If you’re planning on fly fishing in Maryland, or anywhere else for that matter, this course is a great introduction to the sport. The school covers knots, casting, gear and fly selection. Class is held from 10:00 – 1:00pm. Cost is $125 per person and includes the use of gear. A Maryland non-tidal fishing license and trout stamp is required and may be purchased at the shop with check or cash the day of the school. …

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Ideal Water Levels on the Gunpowder

The Gunpowder is at 122 cfs, clear and water temperature is in the low 50’s. Thanks to guide Bryan Donoway for the following stream report. Recent guide trips on the Gunpowder this week produced great results.  Trout were actively looking for sulphur mayflys struggling to escape from the waters surface. Fish could be seen rising to naturals aggressively with the occasional miss only to rise again for the same fly. Fishing the seams and edges was productive with sulphurs in the 14-16 range.  With so many naturals, presenting the fly with a natural drift was key. The slightest bit of drag had some fish closely …

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Beginners Fly Fishing School

Please join us for a fly fishing school. On Sunday June the 24th a Backwater Angler Guide will be teaching a fly fishing school that is ideal for beginners. If you’re planning on fly fishing in Maryland, or anywhere else for that matter, this course is a great introduction to the sport. The school covers knots, casting, gear and fly selection. Class is held from 10:00 – 1:00pm. Cost is $125 per person and includes the use of gear. A Maryland non-tidal fishing license and trout stamp is required and may be purchased at the shop with check or cash the day of the school. …

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Beginners Fly Fishing School

Please join us for a fly fishing school. On Saturday June the 23rd a Backwater Angler Guide will be teaching a fly fishing school that is ideal for beginners. If you’re planning on fly fishing in Maryland, or anywhere else for that matter, this course is a great introduction to the sport. The school covers knots, casting, gear and fly selection. Class is held from 10:00 – 1:00pm. Cost is $125 per person and includes the use of gear. A Maryland non-tidal fishing license and trout stamp is required and may be purchased at the shop with check or cash the day of the school. …

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High Water and Spinner Falls on the Gunpowder

The Gunpowder is running clear at 153 cfs and water temperatures have steadied in the 54 – 58 degree mark. The gauge at Falls Road hit a high on Monday of 375 cfs with warm water spilling over from Prettyboy reservoir. Whilst water levels have dropped through the week the sulphurs have really kicked in and, now the river is easier to wade, the fishing has been superb. Sulphur emergers and duns 16-18 has been the go-to and hatches have been starting mid morning and continuing off and on until very late afternoon. Along with mayfly, caddis patterns are also producing, tan caddis size 16-18 …

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Beginners Fly Fishing School

Please join us for a fly fishing school. On Saturday June the 16th a Backwater Angler Guide will be teaching a fly fishing school that is ideal for beginners. If you’re planning on fly fishing in Maryland, or anywhere else for that matter, this course is a great introduction to the sport. The school covers knots, casting, gear and fly selection. Class is held from 10:00 – 1:00pm. Cost is $125 per person and includes the use of gear. A Maryland non-tidal fishing license and trout stamp is required and may be purchased at the shop with check or cash the day of the school. …

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