Great River Levels on the Gunpowder!

The river is at 173 cfs and gin clear with temp’s 50 F. The recent marked drop in water temperature is due to warm surface water being replaced with frigid water pulled from the 55 foot gate of the dam. The fishing has been great so far this spring. When water levels allow, fish are now stacked in the riffles and faster water. Trout are eating sulphurs size #14-18 and tan caddis #14-18. For those lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time, the dry fly fishing has been exceptional. Midges have been keeping trout occupied through the morning. Fishing tends to improve …

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Sulphurs and Caddis on the Gunpowder River

The Gunpowder River is flowing at 214 Cfs is clear and 54 degrees F. Caddis and Sulpurs are in full swing. While it has not been warm enough for “epic” spinner falls we are seeing quite a few drop in very close to dark. Mid- morning and late afternoon into evening fishing has been productive with caddis and caddis emergers in the #14-16 range and Sulphur patterns, from nymphs, emergers and duns in the #12 -16 range. We have many patterns in the muffin tins on the front counter the guides have been using this week. Just quick look at the fly towers reveals that …

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Flows and Temps are Improving on the Gunpowder River

The Gunpowder River is flowing at 211 Cfs and is 53.5 degrees F. Caddis and Sulphurs are making their presence known as are plenty of wild fish. With the forest in full leaf out This spring don’t wait to go fly fishing on the Gunpowder! We have just received close to 100 dozen dry and wet flies including duns, spinners and hard to find caddis and sulphur emergers from expert tier Mike Bachkosky. Hint: The ones that work best are in the muffin tins on the front counter and won’t last…

Spillover Increases Flows and Temperatures on the Gunpowder River

Owing to spillover, the Gunpowder River is high at 398 Cfs and is 61.5 degrees F. Reasonable, safe wading on the river typically occurs under the 225 CFs mark so watch the Falls Rd USGS Gauge in the sidebar of this site leading up to the weekend and this week give the River, the fish and your legs a rest for a while.

Songbirds, Soft Hackles and Mayflies on the Gunpowder River

Thanks To Sean for the great stream report and photos from his Spring Forays. Hey guys.. going to give the stream report a go. I spend enough time on the Gunpowder Watershed drainage… been writing some stuff down recently. This time of year, last 2 weeks in April to the middle of May, is up there for me as being one of my favorite times within the Gunpowder River drainage. Whether it be above the reservoir or below, there is a lot of activity continually moving and growing. On land and in water. This week I concentrated on the Falls portion in the catch and …

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Beginners Fly Fishing School

Please join us for a fly fishing school. On Saturday May the 11th a Backwater Angler Guide will be teaching a fly fishing school that is ideal for beginners. If you’re planning on fly fishing in Maryland, or anywhere else for that matter, this course is a great introduction to the sport. The school covers knots, casting, gear and fly selection. Class is held from 11:00 – 2:00pm. Cost is $125 per person and includes the use of gear. A Maryland non-tidal fishing license and trout stamp is required and may be purchased at the shop with check or cash the day of the school. …

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