The Gunpowder remains at 101cfs and 55 degrees. Doesn’t get much nicer for dry fly fishing than that.
Whilst sulphurs are (still!) coming off resulting in bursts of feeding activity, caddis are coming off through the day and midges constantly swarm there is no shortage of food available for the Gunpowder’s trout. Now the hot weather is kicking in & the vegetation is lush fish are beginning switching their attention to terrestrial insects.
The fish above was David’s first trout on a fly rod, caught on a dry fly during a guided trip, call or email to book a trip to tune up your game or get started into the sport whilst the river levels are ideal.
Stop in the shop to check out some awesome new terrestrial flies we’ve been stocking up with from Umpqua and Fulling Mill. In a situation on the river fishing between hatches you’ll appreciate having some ant patterns on you.