Mid-May Fishing Report: Sulphurs are here!

Targeting a specific fish will help improve your casts and drifts in a sea of rises. Pick a fish, give it a few casts, and move onto the next. There are plenty of fish to be caught and it is best not to get hung up on one fish.

The water has dropped down to 66 cfs as of May 17th and is ranging between 45-51F throughout the day. Earlier throughout the day it is best to try swinging wet flies and nymphing. The caddis and sulphurs need some time to warm up to begin hatching, so most fish will be feeding on the nymphal and emerger stages of the bugs early in the day.

As the day progresses, sulphurs will begin to dance on the surface and the trout respond. It is best to bring multiple patterns to figure out which style of dry the fish want, as the smallest details can make a great difference in your catches. Longer leaders also help to maintain a drag-free drift and will greatly improve your presentation. These fish will not spook if you take your time, be patient and the river will show just how many fish are in each pool.