Heartfelt letter about Blue Mount Quarry from a Gunpowder River Regular

This heartfelt letter following my earlier post, comes to us from a Gunpowder regular. Thank you Mr. Williams for voicing your opinion.
To whom it may concern:
I recently read the notice posted on your website of the meeting about the
pending resumption of quarrying rock at Blue Mount Quarry. Unfortunately,
work in Washington D.C. will prevent me from making it to the meeting. As an
avid fly fisherman, and a regular at the gunpowder river, I wanted to write
to express my concern over the impact the quarry will have on the river. I
would hate to see years of hard work by everyone associated with the
preservation of the Gunpowder River as a premier trout fishing destination
in the State of Maryland ruined by the environmental impacts the quarry and
the resulting additional dump truck traffic could have on the stream.

While I am not a resident of the area, I am a frequent visitor and would
like to stress the preservation of one of the most beautiful areas in the
State. It concerns me that the quarry will have a significant impact on the
character of the community in the area. Monkton and the surrounding area
along the Gunpowder river always feels like I am coming to an area that is
unspoiled by the everyday rush one finds in the larger cities. I urge the
new owners of the quarry to consider the impact their operation could have
on such a beautiful part of the State and to consider means to address and
minimize the impact of their operations.

Please make my position known if you feel it would be helpful to your efforts
in ensuring the continuation of the Gunpowder river and the surrounding area
as a unique and beautiful place both to live and to visit.

Thank you,
Kevin Williams