Shop Description:

Backwater Angler is located at 16829 York RD, MD 21111

Shop hours are:
10 AM till 3 PM Monday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday
and the shop is closed on Tuesday, Wednesday and Sunday.

The shop is located just south of the intersection of Monkton Rd (Rt 138) and York Rd (Rt. 45) and approximately one mile East of I-83 Mt.Carmel Rd at 16829 York Rd Monkton, MD 21111 Lost? Give us a call at 410-357-9557.

Backwater Angler is a full service fly shop thirty-five minutes from downtown Baltimore, Maryland and steps from the Gunpowder river. The Gunpowder is a tailwater fishery located in Baltimore county that supports a nationally recognized stream-bred population of wild brown trout. The first seven miles of river is managed by the state as a catch and release, artificials only section the remaining 11 miles downstream also contain wild trout and are managed as a two fish a day any method wild trout water and a five fish a day stocked water.

New to the area or visiting Baltimore, MD for the weekend? Backwater Angler is proud to offer a top-notch fly fishing guide service that specializes in the pursuit of wild brown trout on Maryland’s Gunpowder River.The fly fishing guide service also focuses on other Maryland trout fishing destinations such as Morgan Run, Big Hunting Creek, Savage River, Potomac, North Branch of the Potomac, Youghiogheny, Casselman, and Beaver Creek.

Shop History:

The shop has been in town as long as coldwater has been pulled through Pretty Boy Dam and was formerly owned by Wally Vait as On the Fly.

About the Web Site:

Are you brand savy? Check our online catalog.

The gallery has pictures from all over, including some local shots of the river and our favorite destinations.

About Our Offerings:

Here is a short listing of products from companies that we represent.

Reels from: Abel, Bauer, Hatch, Waterworks/Lamson, Ross and Tibor.

Rods from: G. Loomis, R. L. Winston, St. Croix, Scott and ECHO.

Lines from: Airflo, Scientific Anglers, Royal Wulff, ECHO and Cortland.

Leaders and Tippet from: Trouthunter and Umpqua.

Clothing, Waders and Boots from: Simms, Patagonia, and CHOTA.

Thanks to all of our regulars who have given us positive and constant encouragement to create a Web site that mirrors our enthusiasm for the sport.
