Cloudveil 8X Grippy Shoes and Sulphurs!

Thanks to Aaron for the following stream report and review of the Cloudveil 8x grippy boots.

Shoes worked great and were super comfy. I put them through hiking, mud, gravel, boulders, flat water and fast water. Definitely worth the switch from the Chotas. Had a great afternoon and evening of fishing. Saw only one or two other anglers and did well. I had a few fish right off the bat on a size 18 Olive X Caddis above and before the riffle past the bridge abutments. Switched to a HEAVILY hackled split tailed dun and worked the riffle, picking up several NICE browns. I didn’t have a tape with me but the went from the butt of the rod to the LT on my Winston 8’3″ 4 wt. Worked around the next bend and landed a few more in that same class all in the fast water and the seams. As darkness fell I switched to the #16 Sulphur parachute and just waited, looking for snouts. I had a banner evening to say the least! See you in a week.

