Ravens Bye Week and Streamer Fishing

The Gunpowder river is now dropping from a high of 330 Cfs last night to more fishable 276 CFs.The river is clear, 54 F in the catch and release area and will continue to drop through the next few days. Before the heavy rain started yesterday, lots of fish were rising to #18-20 Blue Winged Olives in the flats. Anglers returning From Falls Rd this morning reported that the Olives were just starting as they left the river. Cloudy cool, days are not to be missed if one is ready for some excellent dry fly fishing along the Gunpowder. Caddis and Caddis emergers, in the #16-18 range, are still accounting for a number of healthy loooking fish in the riffles. Try the catch and release stretch today because it stays clear even after a heavy rain event. The 2 fish a day and 5 fish a day water will be clearing by late this afternoon but will be a little on the high side to wade. It’s been tough to nymph through the leaves, so streamer fishing has been the ticket. Try larger muddlers, sculpins and clousers and move down to 4x tippet just in case…The yard work can wait and it’s a bye week for the Ravens so, unless you’re working on defense, grab a fly rod and wet a line just North of Baltimore along the Gunpowder river.
