Caddis, Bwo’s, and Tricos in High Water

Bright, Wild Gunpowder Brown Trout
The Gunpowder River is flowing at 244 CFS and is dropping. The river has been high for the past week due to spillover, and remember folks, spillover is good! An equal number of reports point to streamers and small dries accounting for many wild fish released this week. As the water drops, try streamers along the edges and log jams. Small dries imitating Caddis and Bwo’s in the #18-20 range are working fine in the flats and riffles from Masemore Rd upstream. Jason just called in to report more than a few Tricos out along the river.
Thanks to Micah Dammeyer for the report and photo,

Hey guys,
Looks like Jason’s feeling better; great shots from his trip.
The Gunpowder fished great on Sunday. I fished up above Falls Road and as the water dropped things got better and better. Late in the day caddis and lots of little brown stoneflies started coming off. I hiked in with the other fellow (Brad) who was at the shop when I was in there and we ended up fishing tan elk hair caddis and having fun watching the over eager browns chasing them across the surface. I’ve attached a shot of a healthy little guy who managed to actually catch my fly. Even with the kayak the fish were eagerly watching the surface. Looks like we may be setting up for a repeat with the high water again! I’m trying to get out this weekend again and will be tying furiously in the evenings this week.

