High Water, Tricos and Streamer Fishing On The Gunpowder


On Wednesday of this week the Gunpowder flow climbed to 400 Cfs, and it was prime time to swing some big streamers. Wading was limited at these flows to a few steps off the bank, as the current was quite swift, but many accesses were fishable from shore. In many cases the trout were pushed against the banks and extremely active on flies at the end of the swing. In a few hours ten fish landed was a small number compared to the number of fish chasing, short striking or the ones that shook the hook. I did land a heavy trout (pic above), just under 15 inches, that fought hard and felt huge in the heavy current. A trico mayfly spinnerfall was ongoing from 11 am to 1 pm, and trout were rising in the soft water along the shore. In addition to spill over increasing water levels, the water temperature increased a few degrees yet the water was still clear. On Thursday I fished at two different accesses, as the river dropped steadily through the day from the mid 300s to the upper 200s. Streamers continued to produce a lot of strikes and chases, but brought fifteen browns between 8-13 inches to the net. The patterns I was using worked on average size browns, but also piqued the interest of trout much, much larger than anglers would expect from the Gunpowder. The cloudy weather brought out BWOs and only seemed to intensify the trico hatch, as I filmed quite a cloud in the middle of a mating dance. While most of the river was still fast and pretty rough in the narrow areas, a number of long flats and backeddies had risers steadily working the surface. On Friday flows dropped down below 200 and while browns were still focused on streamers, a lot more fish were rising to the hatches of small mayflies. Saturday flows dropped to 150 Cfs, although more rain is forecasted so flows may climb again. If flows spike above 200 Cfs on the Gunpowder consider fishing, as the latest video features shots of high flows, clouds of tricos and some hungry wild brown trout.
