How to Survive Winter Fishing

Got a minute? Thanks to George for once again including me in his always insightful One Minute How-To program. We discussed, albeit briefly, How to Survive Winter Fishing, it’s episode #525 and my third foray into podcasting. For anyone out there that feels they can condense some know how into a one minute segment be sure to drop George a line. He’s always interested in new topics. Related Podcasts: How to Ask for a Fishing Report How to Take Someone Fly Fishing

November Fly Fishing on the Gunpowder

The Gunpowder river is flowing at 35 Cfs and is low, clear and 47 F. Fish have been looking up this week. Cloudy days have allowed folks to get a bit closer to the fish with patterns imitating tiny BWO’s and small midges. Nymphing with brassies and caddis larva is a safe bet in the riffles in the mornings. Please consider limiting your wading this time of year, use the excellent trail network along the creek, and target rising fish. Thanks to Skye, Terry and Kiki for the stream reports and pics: Hi Theaux, Caught this beautiful brown on 6x with a size 20 RS2 …

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G.Loomis NRX Rods In Maryland

The new NRX Rods from G.Loomis have arrived in the shop, and are available in line weights for fresh and salt water fishing. Short of rehashing industry terminology, the NRX rods are extremely light, yet powerful. We took them to the lawn in four, five, eight and nine weights (all 9 feet long) to test them out. The four weight was definitely not as fast as I expected (power often equates to stiffness) and loaded quickly. Surprisingly the rod worked with little effort at twenty feet, yet never lost power at three times that distance. The four and five weight rods worked at distances we …

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Fall Fly Fishing On The Gunpowder River

The Gunpowder is flowing at 34 CFs, low and clear. The lower sections of the C & R have slightly higher flows from the smaller tributaries that enter the river. The flow in the Glencoe Rd stretch leveled out at 75 Cfs, after spiking from recent rains. The low water conditions make for challenging fishing, but anglers are still catching fish on a variety of patterns. Dry flies are still working as searching patterns and indicators with small nymphs dropped behind. Olives and X-caddis patterns are working and we have a number of these locally tied patterns. Nymph rigs with tiny nymphs and midge larvae …

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Intermediate Fly Tying:Caddis Lifecycle

Fly Fishing Maryland? Please join us for an intermediate Fly Tying Class on Sunday, November 21, 2010 from 10:00 AM till 1:00 PM. The class focuses on Gunpowder river caddis patterns. Our very own Gunpowder river guides will be teaching this fun-filled lifecycle class. Cost of the class is $45 per person, and includes the use of materials. Please bring your own tools. The class is limited to six and pre-registration is required. Please give us a call at 410-357-9557 or drop us a line at to pre-register.

Gunpowder River Gets More Wader Wash Stations

Thanks to Ron Klauda, Director of the Monitoring and Non-tidal Assessment Division in Maryland’s Department of Natural Resources and Co-Chairman of DNR’s Invasive Species Matrix Team for visiting the shop on Oct 27 and giving a very insightful invasive species talk. The talk was well attended and included overviews of invasives ranging from Snakeheads to Virile Crayfish. Ron also pointed out other less conspicuous invasives like the introduced Blue and Flathead Catfish that are equally challenging to manage. He also reported on Didymo and the steps MD/DNR and Backwater Angler have taken to contain it within the Gunpowder. Because of the hard work undertaken by …

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