Gunpowder River Tricos, Flying Ants and Beetles…

Healthy Wild Brown Trout
The river is low at 34 CFs, clear and 58 to 61F by mid-afternoon. Look for active fish in riffles and shade lines and stop by the shop and give the muffin tins a once over-we have plenty of terrestrials and caddis on the counter and are always happy to lend a hand in suggesting the most productive access points along the river.

Thanks to Josh Reider for the stream report and photos:

The Gunpowder is at 34 CFS and fishing at this level has its advantages. Fish will be stacked in deeper pools and riffles, making it easy to see and target individual fish. Use a long 12-15 foot leader ending in 6X or 7X. Summer on the Gunpowder river is one of the most fun times of the year to fish. You can throw a variety of different dry flies such as; Elk Hair Caddis, BWOs, Sulfurs, Hoppers, Ants, and Beetles–even larger attractor patterns can draw fish. The past four days we were able to fish, each night we had large numbers of tan caddis in a size #16. Also, try fishing BWOs in sizes #14-18 and Sulfurs in a size #16. What I found was the fish targeted in on the caddis and small terrestrials such as an ant. Be sure to be stealthy, “if you can see the fish, they can see you”, stay low, and make few false casts. Tricos have been seen buzzing up and down the river, while the fish have only started to eat them, fishing will be heating up as we approach the weekend. A good pattern to use for Tricos is a reverse hackle pattern in a size #22-24. If you can take anytime to fish in the next few days, there have been great caddis hatches anywhere upstream of Big Falls Road. The fish above fell for a size #16 tan caddis while the fish below fell for a size 14 “Acid Ant”.

Brown Trout with Abel Super Series New Brown Trout Reel