Fly Fishing Grand Prix Labor Day Weekend in Baltimore

Tricos on the Gunpowder
The Gunpowder is flowing at 121 CFs and is 55 F and clear. The river is at a great level for wading. Tricos are in the spider webs and the flying ants are around mid-day. Beetles and hoppers are still working in the backeddies. With slightly higher flows over the weekend, streamers are also a good bet. Longer leaders in the 12ft 6x and 7x range will help keep the Tricos drifting at the right speed among the leaves. Use plenty of shot or Loon deep soft weight well ahead of streamers so they track down on the strip. Larger hoppers will trick fish but don’t show them to a fish more than twice. Summer is fading along the Gunpowder, with consistent flows the fly fishing is improving.

Store hours Labor Day weekend will be:
Friday 10 till 6
Saturday, Sunday and Monday 10 till 4

Related post:

Baltimore Grand Prix and Flyfishing along the Gunpowder

Deer on the Gunpowder River
