Caddis, Ants, and Beetles on the Gunpowder River


With the Gunpowder River at 92 CFS and peaking at 52°F at Falls Road, fishing the last couples days has been great.  We have seen fish looking up and willing to take a variety of patterns. Fishing small caddis in a tan or dark brown has been the most productive method but many have started to fish small ants and beetle patterns on the river.  Many fish have been holding on the banks of the river, so be sure to make a cast or two before you get into the water.  You will be surprised where some of the little browns will hold.  If fish are not rising many have had success nymphing small caddis pupa and zebra midges.  The fish above fell for a little beetle pattern fished along the bank.  As long as the weather holds true, fishing should be great this upcoming weekend.  Swing in the shop on your way to the river and pick up a couple small terrestrials like the hoppers below tied by Rainy’s Flies.

