Abel TR 4/5 Fly Reels in Native Brook, Native Brown and Native Rainbow in stock!

Abel TR 4/5 Fly Reels in Native Rainbow, Native Brown and Native Brook

If one could only justify needing another trout reel, the Abel TR series is a winner! Among the awards bestowed on them in the past few years; “Best Freshwater Fly Reel” at the AFFTA Show in 2018, and two Best Awards from both Outdoor Canada Magazine-“Best of Show” and “Best New Trout Reel” from Fly Fisherman’s Gear Guide in 2019. We humbly assert that these will fit in a stocking whether alone or nestled together, will outlast your favorite fly rod-technology is the devil…and are worthy of your frank consideration and attention and are in-stock until they’re gone. Please note, pictures are of in-stock reels ready to ship.
