Black Fly Bonanza…

If you listened to the weather last night and decided to pass on the Gunpowder you should feel cheated.
The river is in great shape. Flows are stable at a great level for wading and the water is clear.
We’ve heard from several anglers this afternoon that today was, “the best day they’ve had in a while”. We had two guides out with happy clients today that picked up plenty of wild fish on black fly and midge patterns. Small caddis and henryville specials used as point flies helped folks stay in contact with the tiny patterns. The water is warming upo and we should see more surface activity throughout the weekend. Little black stoneflies were buzzing around Masemore Rd. today as early as 11:00 AM. Nymphing riffles with small bead head hares ear patterns is still productive from Bunkerhill downstream through York Rd.

Note: It’s still cold out there.Stay away from cotton socks. Bring gloves. Go fishing this weekend.
