Excellent early season fishing awaits…Black Fly Redux..

It’s still hard for me to to believe that we’ve had such great early season fishing during the past two weeks. The river is at a nice steady 76 Cfs , ( we typically fish it from 55 to 225 CFs so if it moves a little over the weekend it should still be clear and very wadeable-just bring your rainjacket along. We’ve had warmer water this week after a gate change from the 55 foot level to the 10 foot level.With a little spillover, the river temps are now in the mid 40’s and climbing–think active fish!!!We’ve heard many enthusiastic reports of between 1/2 dozen to three dozen fish caught during some mid-week outings. With rain in the forecast this weekend, early morning nymphing should be very productive. Stop in and check out a few dynamite Hendrickson nymphs, (while they last) that are sure to move a few. Little black flies are still all the rage above Falls Rd and if you’d like to fish some”quieter” water give Bunkerhill RD. to York a shot and skate a Henryville Special through the riffles.Small traditional patterns like Mickey Finns are great for tricking the new rainbows that are trying hard to make a living between Upper Glencoe through Sparks RD.

Note: Jeff Lewatowski still has space on his boat for folks interested in fly fishing the Susquehannna Flats during the Catch and Release Trophy Season. Give him a call at 410-808-5105 or check out his site at www.lewscfa.com for rates and info.
