The gauge is acting up. Rest assured the flow has not changed. We’re still looking at 32-34 Cfs. The river is still cold, clear and is beautiful.Beetle, caddis and large streamers have been producing some rather large fish.
Thanks to Jake, Scott, Mike and John for the following stream reports:
From 9/8:
Message: just a quck fishing report. Fished the gunpowder from Evna road today–the area around the first bend after the dam. Got to the water around 9 am and had no luck with nymphs. Switched over to an Adams/(dun?) around 10 as the fish started rising. Landed 3 nice browns from 9-12 inches, and missed a few more on missed strikes. Plenty of fish, plenty of water as far as I could see, though much lower water than usual.
From 9/9
Message: Lots of nice trout looking up yesterday above Big Falls Road. They were going nuts for a size 12 rubber legged beetle. It was almost too easy. Careful wading and 7x tippet a must. Only saw one other fisherman all day.
From 9/9:
Theaux: Fished above Falls Rd near the dam,,,on Sat. morning – 8-12. My best day on the GP all year, and I’ve fished regularly ( 3 times/mth) since last October. Just shows you, you fish enough, your bound to have a magical day!. Initially caught 3 nice fish on a zug bug dropper off of a 14 caddis. One rainbow that was huge! Got off just as I was about to net him.. then, an hour later, the hatch turned on and fish were rising like crazy!! Must have caught a dozen fish on Griffiths gnats, small Adams and a PMD,, ( I changed up at various times) all within an hour. Very few folks fishing before 10. How nice !
From 9/10
Message: Hey Theo thought I would drop you a quick line about some recent fishing on the Gunpowder. This afternoon 9/10 I landed a 20 1/2 in brown trout in the plunge pool a little bigger than the 18 1/2 in rainbow I caught a week earlier. So tell those non believers that there really are big trout in the Gunpowder.
Note: Having a hard time out there?Stop in the shop and we’ll be happy to assist.