Ring in the New Year with Backwater Angler

The shop will be open New Years Day from 10:00 AM till 4:00 PM. If you should need a fishing license and trout stamp we do require check or cash for license payments. The river is low, clear and flowing at 28 CFS. Water temps reported today in the mid to high 40’s were signifigantly warmer than last week and a sign of good things to come. Small cream midges in the #20-24 range and #18-20 bead head hares ears accounted for a few fish in the upper reaches. Renegades in the #12-16 range, Foam bodied stoneflies #14-16 and Henryville Specials #16-18 are great point …

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Stoneflies, Spillover and Holiday Bugs……

We’re close to spillover, as the reservoir is about a foot from coming over the top. We’ve have had a few reports of stoneflies and a fat 16″ rainbow was released earlier in the week just below the Dam after falling for a #22 midge emerger. The big Christmas day rain yesterday helped recharge some of the groundwater locally and the upper river is still low , clear and flowing at 29 Cfs.So, Its a typical Winter pattern without the snow, ice, cold weather ect.. Sounds like some of you should call in sick this week, I hear that there is a bug going around…

Slow Water Caddis by Gunpowder River Guide’s

This video by Jason du Pont provides just a glimpse of one of many patterns that are taught during our Beginners Tying Class by Gunpowder River Guides. A proven Gunpowder River pattern is tied in eleven easy steps. This pattern was just one of many tied in a Backwater Angler Beginner’s Tying Class. By Jason du Pont.

E-mail Fly Fishing Gear and Services Gift Certificates Available Now… with No Driving Involved…

That’s right folks, the beltway is rearing its ugly head this holiday season. If you just can’t bear the thought of getting caught in traffic during the “holidaze,” check out Backwater Anglers’ Gift Certificates online. We will process Gift Certificates online via our ssl secure site up until 2:00 PM on December 24th. If you’re new to the shop, and need some pointers, be sure to check out our shop online page.

Beginners Fly Tying Class by Gunpowder River Guides

The Saturday class is full, so we’re offering another class on Sunday, January 7. It’s a beginners fly tying class that focuses on Gunpowder river patterns. Our very own Gunpowder river guides will be teaching this fun-filled beginners class.Cost of the class is $45 per person, and includes the use of tools and materials.The class is limited to six and pre-registration is required. Please give us a call at 410-329-6821 or drop us a line at info@backwaterangler.com to pre-register.

Gunpowder River Tour

Want to spend more time on the river? Check out the Gunpowder River Tour, another video from Jason du Pont Click To Play A video tour of the Gunpowder River in Baltimore County, Maryland. The footage highlights sections of the river located in the 7.6 mile wild trout catch and release water.
