Gunpowder River User Conflicts

I want to begin compiling angler reports about the river user conflicts experienced with floaters and fishermen in the catch and release section from Pretty Boy Dam Rd through Bluemount Rd. If you would like to report any incidents of floaters, (tubers, kayakers, ect…) affecting fishing or would like to express your opinion on the subject, please drop us a line at with a description of an incident. Please include your name, address, phone # and how often you frequent the Gunpowder River and what time of year the incident occurred. Anglers need to make ourselves heard if we hope to alleviate this problem …

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Bauer MacKenzie Superlight Series Review

The following is a review of the Bauer MacKenzie Superlight Series by Scott Burns. Thanks Scott! I have fished one of these reels for two years now- fished pretty hard. Smooth drag. Takes a lickin and keeps on tickin. A great reel for the price. Scott Burns

Water Levels To Rise By The Weekend

The water level took a downward turn and leveled off at 24 Cfs on Monday morning to allow shocking surveys to take place on the river. The flows will be kept at current levels until surveys are finished on Wednesday the 26th of September. Flows should return to higher levels by Thursday the 27th, based on water needs in Loch Raven Reservoir. 

Cold Snap Brings An End To The Tubers!

Fall weather has arrived in North Baltimore County. The morning’s air temps began rising from 44 degrees at 7:30 am and river temps should remain below 60 degrees in the upper river. A bass angler on Prettyboy reservoir stopped in to comment that the surface temp on the reservoir dropped 8 degrees from last week. Water temperatures south of the confluence of Little Falls are now at safe fishing temps to the Sparks Rd access. Float trips have accounted for some nice fish outside the catch and release section. Long riffles, quiet water and summer float traffic will end even in the most heavily floated …

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Fly Fishing the North Branch of the Ausable River, Michigan

The anglers who watched the Canoe Hatch video of the Ausable River got a wrong first impression of Michigan’s trout rivers. I got phone calls and emails at the shop about how amazed people were that we not only kept our cool, but caught fish. One reason I didn’t mind the insanity, was that we rarely saw anyone else all week long. Except for the “Holy Water” and “Big Water” we never saw another angler fishing on any of the branches of the Ausable. Michigan has so much good water, that I didn’t want to show only that day, which was the exception for the …

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Gunpowder River Brimming with Tricos, Olives and Caddis

The Gunpowder river is flowing at 86 Cfs and is 61F to 63 F throughout the catch and release section. Tricos sized #22 and Blue Winged Olives sized #18-20 have been accounting for a lot of steady rising fish before 10:00 AM between Masemore RD access and Bunkerhill RD. Caddis sized #16-20 have been working great above Falls Rd access. Hoppers and small streamers in the late afternoon should round out your offerings. Quite a few rainbows have been reported in the gorge area this week. The recent rains did not affect water clarity or levels today but the clouds should help to make the …

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