Caddis Hatches And Higher Flows On The Gunpowder

A water release was made this morning from Prettyboy Dam to raise water levels in Loch Raven Reservoir. The shop was informed that these flows should continue through this week into the weekend, and possibly the following week. The Gunpowder was ice cold all Summer at a medium to lower flow (5 times the bare minimum, and nearly double the dreaded 30 Cfs flow), but now is climbing to an early Spring level in the 115 CFs range. The conditions and fishing on the Gunpowder prior to the release really favor dry fly fishing. The trico hatch in the mornings and caddis hatches midday get …

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We Have Openings for September Skills Clinics

Want to connect with one of these? The shop is now offering fly fishing skills clinics, in addition to schools and guide trips through September. Backwater Angler Guides will be teaching a variety of clinics including; nymphing, terrestrials, streamers and small flies. These clinics are ideal for beginner to intermediate anglers, and especially helpful for experienced anglers that might need a “brush-up” on techniques prior to a destination trip. Each clinic covers gear, techniques, and fly selection. September 8~Fishing Terrestrials September 15~Nymphing Techniques September 22~ Streamer Techniques September 29~ Fishing Small Flies Clinics are held from 5:00 PM till 7:00 PM on Wednesdays during September. …

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Late Summer Fly Fishing On The Savage River

My buddy Matt was in town, so we decided to head to the Savage for a few days fishing. We arrived just before dark on Sunday and set up camp. On Monday morning we started on a stretch that has proven productive this year, and holds some nice trout. We were both fishing with nymph rigs on 5X tippet. Three casts into the first pool, and I set the hook when the indicator stopped. The brown above got the blood pumping before I directed it out of the faster water and into the net. This trout was only fifteen inches, but was built like a …

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Bwo’s, Tricos and Caddis along the Gunpowder River

The river is flowing at 50 Cfs is clear and 51 F. We’ve had numerous reports of Olives along the river. Most of these are in the #18-20 range and we have plenty of snowshoe duns and emergers From Mike Bachkosky in the muffin tins on the front counter. The fish are looking up and the weather has been superb. While we’re not seeing blanket hatches, tricos are massing most mornings throughout the catch and release section. When in doubt use a #16 bead head pheasant tail in the riffles between Falls Rd and Bunkerhill. Summer is fleeting and we’ve had exceptional dry fly fishing. …

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North Branch of the Potomac River AMD Remediation/Recreation Study Needs Your Input

Thanks to Sera Janson Zegre, Project Manager from Downstream Strategies who asked us to distribute this call to action. I am writing to ask for your help with an important study seeking to calculate the economic benefits of water-based recreation on the North Branch of the Potomac. Background: Sponsored by Garrett County, Maryland (fiscal agent), Appalachian Regional Commission, Maryland Department of the Environment, and Maryland Division of Natural Resources, this research seeks to calculate the local economic benefits generated from water-based recreation on the North Branch Potomac River, made possible by the clean-up of acid mine drainage (AMD) from abandoned mine lands in Garrett and …

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Fly Fishing Report from the Headwaters of the Connecticut River

Thanks to Roman for the report and to Adrian for the great photos. Hey Theaux, We drove up north a few days ago to help Adrian with moving into his new apartment up at Dartmouth. While in the north country, we just had to take a few days off to do some fishing.From Hanover, we continued 3 hours north to the far northern-most tip of New Hampshire to the headwaters of the Connecticut River where we spent a few days catching trout. Not only were the mid 60s temperatures an absolute pleasure after the sweltering heat back home, but the fishing (and the catching) was …

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