New Year’s Eve Gunpowder River Fishing Report

Despite the cold weather, harsh winds and snow, I have sent many people out fishing in the past week by simply issuing them a a 2013 fishing license, and handing off a basic assortment of nymphs and streamers, including a new leader, a spool of tippet and a few thingamabobbers. Fishing this time of year presents many challenges but if you’re willing to brave frozen fingers and cold feet the wild browns on the Gunpowder River are more than willing to cooperate. Usually in the winter months the flows are in the 30-60 CFs range, but in the past week the River has been closer …

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Gunpowder RIVERKEEPER® Year End Wrap Up for 2012

In 2012, Gunpowder RIVERKEEPER® marks the 40th anniversary of the Clean Water Act….The RIVERKEEPER® movement was started on the Hudson by commercial fisherman that successfully used The River and Harbors Act to to fight industrial pollution and to protect their right to fish and their livelihood. The movement has gained legs since The Clean Water Act, a document whose goals mandated fishable, swimmable and drinkable water was enacted in 1972. In 2012, GRK has been working on several fronts to protect the Gunpowder River and keep it fishable, swimmable and drinkable for all users and future generations. GRK Projects: Eagle Scout project by GRK volunteer …

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Gunpowder RIVERKEEPER® on WRNR Voices of the Chesapeake Bay with Michael Buckley

Thanks to Michael Buckley joining me on the Gunpowder River this week. Check out Voices of the Bay with Michael Buckley on 103.1 WRNR out of Annapolis When you get to the site, just hit the listen live button to check out the interview.We’ll be posting links to iTunesU for the archived segments soon! The Voices of the Chesapeake Bay Interview Project is created to help us further develop our ‘sense of place.’ The Voices Project is ongoing, inherently ‘inclusive’ and well-rounded, giving us the ability to see our bio-region, the Chesapeake Bay watershed, from a variety of perspectives and points of view. With this …

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Flyfishing Grand Bahama for Bonefish

With the Mayan Apocalypse and more importantly, last minute holiday shopping behind us, anglers throughout the Mid Atlantic may find themselves bundled up and thinking about warmer locations and more cooperative fish. We have recently been outfitting folks heading to Belize, the Caribbean, South Carolina, New Zealand, South Florida and the Keys. I was fortunate enough to escape the Mid-Atlantic cold for a week of fishing on Grand Bahama Island. While generally not as well publicized as other bonefish destinations in the Bahamas, Grand Bahama is home to some of best guides and oldest fly fishing lodges in the Caribbean and is one very special …

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2013 Maryland Fishing Licenses available till 4 PM on New Years Eve

Stop in Backwater Angler and pick up a Maryland fishing license this Saturday, Sunday or Monday from 10AM till 4PM. We now have a ready supply of Crabbing and Bay Sport Pleasure Boat Stickers. If you miss us you may purchase a fishing or hunting license online or by phone at 855-855-3906. If you’ll be fishing the Gunpowder you’ll need a non-tidal, (freshwater) license and a trout stamp. The shop will be closed on New Years day and on Wednesday the 2nd.

Flyfishing Maryland between the Holidays

The Gunpowder River is flowing at 315 CFs and is 44.5 degrees. If you find yourself trying to squeeze in some fly fishing in Maryland before New Years stop by the shop and pick up a new pair of Patagonia merino wool socks before you hit the river. Keep in mind that most of the snow that arrived Christmas Eve is gone and the river is colder and higher because of it. York Rd downstream was muddy and high this morning. Fishing streamers above Bunkerhill Rd through the Falls Rd access points has been productive. Dead drifting these patterns with a sink-tip line or a …

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