Excellent Flows on the Gunpowder River

Wild Brown Trout in Little Falls
The Gunpowder River is clear, flowing at 129 CFs and is 57 .5 degrees F. These flows represent (please don’t ask us how long they will last) an excellent time to get out on the Gunpowder River in search of wild fish! Try small hoppers in the #8-12 range and caddis and caddis emergers in the #14-16 range in the riffles from Masemore through Bunkerhill. Cream midges and Blue Winged Olives in the #20-22 range are also worth a shot-especially in the flats between the corners. Fingerling rainbows are often times nabbing dries before the larger browns can get to them in the boulder pools above Falls road. If you have a small raft or canoe try floating downstream for some streamer action while the river is up! Lots of woody debris, a.k.a. fish habitat will mean portaging if one is floating the catch and release section-a better bet would be to put in at the two-fish-a-day down but watch out for jams at Corbett!These two photos accompanying this post are quite old-if you have an interest in being featured in the stream report please send along some fresh photos and your perspective on late summer/early fall fishing. Did you get out West this year?Please share your successes with us! Please remember that we have until the 23rd until the Equinox tells us that it is fall but the leaves during this recent dry spell are already telling a different story…so get out there and fish! Please note as of 9/6 the River had dropped to 100 CFs.
Boulder Pools on the Gunpowder River
