Scott Fly Rods – Built in Montrose, Colorado

Scott Fly Rod Company out of Montrose, Colorado has been building rods since 1974.  Their completely American built hand-made rods have caught the attention of the fishing industry once again with some of their new rods.  The Radian, a fast-action rod that keeps the feel of the “Scott Difference” and is one of the top all around rods on the market.  Their other new model, the Tidal, is a saltwater rod priced at a very reasonable price point.  It again is a “do-it-all rod” that is perfect for fishing the bay or to take on a trip to the flats.  We also have their beloved …

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Mid-Summer on the Gunpowder River

With the Gunpowder River flowing at 60 CFS and water temperatures around 52°F.  Fishing caddis or a sulphur dun in the middle of the day through the evening is still a productive method.  Many have come into the shop having had success fishing small ant and beetle patterns.  Dropping small nymphs off of the terrestrials is a great method to fool the wild Gunpowder browns as well.  Thanks to Bill for the stream report: We fished yesterday and were able to catch a sulphur hatch on the Little Gunpowder River. The fish went crazy, they were rising so much that you never knew where the next one would …

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Maryland Warm-Water Fly Fishing

If you are tired of fishing for finicky trout try fishing the warm-water options all around the area. Fishing for bass on top-water flies, like the poppers tied by Eric Snyder below, can be a lot of fun. Carp are another great warm water target species.  To catch a carp you must be able to make accurate casts, choose the right fly, and have a little bit of luck. They are very difficult to catch, especially when they are feeding in shallow water.  Stop by the shop to check out some of Eric’s patterns and give the warmer water a try before summer ends.

NEW Trout Hunter Leader and Tippet

How many times when fishing have wished you could have a tippet size between 5X and 6X? Look no further, Trout Hunter has tippet sizes in 0.5X.  Our personal favorites for the Gunpowder are 5.5X and 6.5X.  They come in a UV resistant package to keep the nylon from breaking down.  All tippet spools have color-coded bands rather then small numbers to distinguish between tippet sizes.  Another great advantage is having a 50 yard spool rather then a 30 yard spool, which means running out of tippet less and spending more time on the water.  Trout Hunter leaders also come in a standard UV resistant package. …

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Caddis, Ants, and Beetles on the Gunpowder River

With the Gunpowder River at 92 CFS and peaking at 52°F at Falls Road, fishing the last couples days has been great.  We have seen fish looking up and willing to take a variety of patterns. Fishing small caddis in a tan or dark brown has been the most productive method but many have started to fish small ants and beetle patterns on the river.  Many fish have been holding on the banks of the river, so be sure to make a cast or two before you get into the water.  You will be surprised where some of the little browns will hold.  If fish …

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Beginner’s Fly Fishing School this Sunday July 12th

Please join us for a fly fishing school. On Sunday, July 12th, a Backwater Angler Guide will be teaching a fly fishing school that is ideal for beginners. If you’re planning on fly fishing in Maryland, or anywhere else for that matter, this course is a great introduction to the sport. The school covers knots, casting, gear and fly selection. Class is held from 9:00 AM till 12:00 PM. Cost is $125 per person and includes the use of gear. A Maryland non-tidal fishing license and trout stamp is required and may be purchased at the shop with check or cash the day of the …

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