Winston LT and WT Rods

Come in and check out Winston LT and WT rods we have in stock.  We have 4 LT’s in 9′ 6 weight, 8’9″ 5 weight, 7’9″ 3 weight, and 7’9″ 2 weight models.  We also have 3 WT’s in 8′ 4 weight, 8′ 4 weight TMF, and 7′ 3 weight models.  The softer tip of the LT allows for ease in close casts, while the lower sections provide enough power to fish larger flies at a distance.  The WT series has a faster action giving enough backbone to make longer casts, but keeps the same “Winston feel” with a forgiving and softer tip section.  Both models …

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July on the Gunpowder River

The Gunpowder River is flowing at 104 CFS at Falls Road, a higher flow then we are used to seeing in the dead of summer.  The frequent thunderstorms have added enough water into Prettyboy Reservoir to keep the flows high.  Fishing terrestrials in the sections below Falls Road has started to prove productive and will only heat up as we continue through the remainder of the summer.  Caddis have also been hatching throughout the middle of the day into the evening, a simple X-Caddis or Elk-haired Caddis in a size 16 should do the trick.  Nymphing small Pheasant-Tails and Zebra Midges have been the best way …

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4th of July Weekend Hours

The Gunpowder River is flowing at 104 Cfs is 52f and clear until little falls. While the shop will be closed on the 4th, it will be open this Friday and Sunday. The 4th is the last free fishing day in Maryland this year so be sure to take advantage of it. With cooler weather ahead, plan on a BWO’s.The Sulphurs and caddis are a still a good bet try them in the #16-18 range. We’re also seeing a few ants and beetles making their way into the stream. Long leaders are still the trick. Typically as the water drops mid-summer a 10 foot leader …

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