Overcast and cool…

RIver is at 150 CFs and clear we’re seeing Olives most mornings above Falls Rd. Soft hackles #12-16 will continue to work even if we get a little rain in the next few days. Large attractor nymphs like #10 Prince or #8-12 Whitlock red squirrel are safe bets if you’re fishing mid-day. Now that the trees have leafed out there is more shade along the river corridor and the Browns are more likely to take dries such as Hendricksons #14-16 and small Elk Hair Caddis #18-20

Note: Want to skate and swing? Try an Olive x-caddis in a #14 with a Hendrickson emerger Size #16 behind it. Skate the rig in riffles and swing it through pools and flats.