Our friend Pierce Yates from Birmingham, Alabama just sent us a number of his Boogle Bugs. During an eye-opening visit, he learned some valuable lessons from Mr. Bobs poppers founder Bob Guess. They do make a wonderous noise!
Pierce’s own description from his website looks like an entry straight out of Webster’s.
BoogleBug® \büg´-əl -bəg\ n 1: a very attractive, most durable bass bug or panfish bug used by knowledgeable warmwater fly fishing anglers to provoke aggressive topwater feeding by their finned adversaries. 2: one very tough, good looking bug that will catch you lots of bass and panfish for fun or food.
We have these unique poppers in a variety of sizes and colors and are selling them quickly at $4.95 each. Stop on in and give’em a try and show those bass and panfish the respect that they deserve.