Insect hatches and flows on the Gunpowder River remained consistent over the past week. Water levels dropped from just over 100 Cfs down to 82 cfs, and water temps are changing as less spillover from Prettyboy Dam enters the river. Due to the warm spillover, and the cooler tributaries entering the Gunpowder, the river is actually cooler farther down river. A quick dip of the thermometer reveals the water temperature in the Falls Rd area at between 65-67. The water temperature starts to drop with the addition of flow from numerous tributaries and in the Big Falls stretch the water is a few degrees cooler. I took a temp at the Monkton bridge yesterday and was surprised to see the water was 63 degrees. The warmer temps mean there are numerous hatches and many of them are quite intense. Sulphurs are hatching in size 14-16 and spinnerfalls have been very good for catching rising trout at dark. Caddis hatches are getting the attention of trout during the day and the egglayers drop to the water alongside sulphurs toward dark. Craneflies are also abundant and can be found crawling along the shoreline midday. The “wild card” hatch in the evenings are the midges, although small they get the attention of trout due to the extremely large numbers present on the water. In the latest video I show off a heavy fish I posted pics of last week. I also included footage where I captured some craneflies and hatching sulphurs in the afternoon. The most intense hatch I captured was a midge and micro caddis hatch that started up two hours before dark. The river is full of hatching insects and trout can be caught by imitating the various stages of these emerging or egg laying bugs.